I overheard two school girls on the tram this morning testing each other for an exam.
Student 1: who is that guy who was killed at the beginning of WW1
Student 2: oh yeah, the Arch Duke of Edinburgh. #rewritinghistory
At this time exactly a year ago, the wonderful @AhilanKVasan, stapled me back up after 7hrs of brain surgery. I’ll forever be grateful to him, his team @KingsCollegeLon and @NHSEnglandLDN for what they did for me. If only they could see how far I’ve come. #stroke #AVM #recovery
Ep 7 of my brain surgery recovery Blog. This week you can call me football, because I'm coming home! Xx #brain #avm #craniotomy #stroke #recovery #kingscollegehospital #aphasia #Dyslexia
Episode 6 of my stroke recovery blog includes 19 brain staples, three chicken sandwiches, and loads of morphine... Enjoy Xx
#avm #brainsurgery #stroke #recovery #TrueStory #actor #crainiotomy #blogger #morphine